Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rrroll Up the Rrrim and... Litter.

It's morning. You are on your way out the door, ready to greet a new day. You rub your temple, anxious for that first serge of caffeine. You line up, and at last, the warmth touches your lips. And before you know it, it is running through your veins.

Suddenly, it's over. There is nothing left. You walk over to the trash and toss out that oh-so-familiar-browny-redish-Horton's cup. You walk away. And don't ever think twice about it.

Really what you have done, is not only complete your daily, thoughtless morning routine, but support the termination of trees for pulp, and the pollution-belching trucks that carry the infectious cups to their final destination-- a landfill site, where they rot and create even more greenhouse gases.

For this year's Roll Up the Rim to Win alone... 270 000 000 cups were printed. And where do they all go? Into the trash. Into landfills. Into the ocean. Contaminating the only home we've got. Do any of us really care? A few, sure, but it's not enough.

And it's not like Timmies, or anybody else for that matter, is trying to do anything about the situation. Sure our city's street gutters are filled with cups. Our garbages. Our parks. Our shorelines. But it's not just about the pollution. It's the waste. Millions and millions of cups wasted. Paper and plastic. Polluting our earth-- land, air, and water.

So until anybody really decides to stand up and do something about this, those of us that care are just going to have to keep our travel mugs handy and pocket our 10 cents.

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